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Disruption rimes with transformation

Disruption is not a new phenomenon, but the the speed and magnitude of digital disruption across sectors is something we have never experienced before. Take the Car industry for example. 10 years ago a car were designed to last a decade, was something you owned, it ran on fossil fuels, represented a large investment that required financing, was purchased at car dealers and was the single most widespread means of individual mobility.

Today cars are designed to last anywhere from 5-10 years (like household appliances) They are owned, leased, subscribed to and shared, they run on fossil fuels, electricity, gas, hydrogen (often in combination), they no longer represent the 2. largest investment in most household, are connected to the internet and can be bought/leased and individually fitted and designed directly from the manufacturer's website.

The car is still the most widespread means of individual mobility, but the micromobility market is growing fast and new players like Uber, Lime etc. have entered the stage and threatens the established players. What can we learn from the car industry? first, is not very likely that your current industry and business model will survive digitalization. 2. If you haven't started your digital transformation you should do it now...